Here you can find the installation files for the software:
Here you can find videos explaining you how to use the software:
You start the XLIFF Editor by clicking Start > All Programs > Translation Workspace > XLIFF Editor > Translation Workspace XLIFF Editor.
You might see a Plug-in warning if the XLIFF Editor fails to load any of the installed plug-ins. When you select OK, the error window closes and you can continue using XLIFF Editor.
When the Show Tips on Startup checkbox is selected (in the Tip dialog itself), a Tip dialog is displayed with useful XLIFF Editor tips each time you start the editor.
You can browse the tips by clicking Previous Tip and Next Tip. You can also deactivate this functionality by unchecking Show Tips on Startup in the Tip dialog.
You can open the Tip dialog and re-activate the Tip function by selecting Help > Show Tips and checking Show Tips on Startup in the Tip dialog.
Although you can use the XLIFF Editor offline, you need to connect to a TM on the Translation Workspace server if you want to use the leveraging functionality.
There are three ways of starting to connect to the Translation Workspace server:
Any of these guides you through the standard Translation Workspace login screens, starting with the Username and Password details:
Please use for the connection one of following credentials:
Tenancy: markelovaeka
Login | Password |
ltxt1 | linguatext1! |
ltxt2 | linguatext2! |
ltxt3 | linguatext3! |
ltxt4 | linguatext4! |
ltxt5 | linguatext5! |
ltxt6 | linguatext6! |
ltxt7 | linguatext7! |
ltxt8 | linguatext8! |
ltxt9 | linguatext9! |
If the following error message is displayed, it means that this account is busy, try the next one.
Then select the TM you need to work with.
In the Select TM dialog you can choose whether the TMs are displayed in a flat list view or a tree view. In the tree view also the workgroups are displayed, as in the hierarchical view of the Translation Workspace web interface.
Finally select your language combination.
P.S. if working with English make sure which English should be chosen before connecting to TM.
After you have started the XLIFF Editor and selected a TM, you can start with translation.
To edit a segment, you have to open it.
You can open a segment by selecting it in the Document view and doing any of the following:
Also clicking the already selected segment opens it.
When you open a segment, you enter the segment edit mode. You can now edit the translation in the target text field.
You can type as well as Cut, Copy, and Paste the translation in the target text field. You can also drag and drop text selected inside the XLIFF Editor edit area to the target segment either from the source or the target segment. You can move text with drag and drop by pressing the Shift key. You can also Undo/Redo most operations (until the segment is closed). You cannot Undo or Redo drag and drop operations, but you can always delete the dropped text. Note that tags are protected.
The following options are available for the complete segment:
Copy Source [Alt+Insert]
This copies the source content to the target field, which is useful if you need to make only minor changes to the source.
Copy AltTrans [Shift+Alt+Insert]
If the segment has any AltTrans (Non interactive TM) matches, you can select one of them with this operation and copy it to the target field.
When you open a segment, you may get several TM matches.
To copy the best TM match to the target field, use Copy Found Match [Alt+PgUp] .
Note that the best match is automatically copied when the Automatic lookup option has been activated in the TM menu.
If you open an already translated segment and a different translation exists in the TM, a "Different match in memory!" warning is displayed with the TM information pane highlighted in blue. You can use the Copy Found Match function to update the translation with the match coming from the TM.
You can navigate between the different TM matches using the Get Previous Match [Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left] and Get Next Match [Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Right] functions from the Translation menu (and ).
Once the correct match is selected you can use the Copy Found Match [Alt+PgUp] function to update the translation.
Differences between the new source segment and the found match are highlighted in the open segment, with yellow highlight applied to the TM match and to the new source segment.
When you are done editing the segment, you have to close it. You can choose from the following alternatives when closing a segment:
Store and Close Segment [Alt+End]
Accepts the changes done to the segment. This also adds the translation to the TM. If you have opened a tag for manual editing, this command saves the edited tag and returns you to segment editing.
Cancel Changes and Close Segment [Esc]
Close Segment and Delete Translation [Alt+Del]
Removes the translation (target) from the segment and leaves it untranslated.
Store, Close and Open Next Segment [Alt++]
Same as Store and Close Segment [Alt+End] and opens the next untranslated segment.
Close Segment, Don't Store in TM
This closes the segment, but does not store the current translation to the translation memory. The translation is stored locally in the document you're translating.
These options are available from the Translation menu, as well as from the Translation toolbar and the keyboard (with the exception of Close Segment, Don't Store in TM, which is only available from the menu).
Concordance Search can be used for searching TMs for strings and translations which are shorter than segments. Concordance search provides a way of finding strings which are not found by the glossary search and the TM segment matching.
Concordance search searches matches in the foreground TM (Translation TM or Alias) and in all its background TMs.
With this command you open the Concordance Search window for the currently active TM and language direction. Or you can click the Concordance Search icon in the toolbar.
The word that you have selected in the current XLIFF Editor document is initially searched, or a selection of words, if document text is selected. The matching strings are highlighted in the search results.
Concordance search returns matches from the foreground TM and in all its background TMs.
After the translation is ready, you must create a report using the LTB tool
LTB is run on bilingual files (XLZ, XLF, RTF) and produces a report with potential errors. These may include:
More about the LTB report here.